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Appendix C - Acronyms and Definitions

ABE:  Adult basic education (educational functioning levels 1 through 4).

ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act

AEFLA: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act which funds adult education services.

ASE: Adult secondary education (educational functioning levels 5 and 6).

CAP: Corrective Action Plan

CASAS: Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System, a national assessment-to- instruction system based on competencies identified as essential for adults to function effectively in their multiple life roles of employees, family members and community members.

CCRS: College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education.

CFA: Continuation Funding Application

COABE: Commission on Adult Basic Education, a national professional association for adult educators.

DAEL: Division of Adult Education and Literacy, a division of the Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education of the United States Department of Education.

ED: U.S. Education Department, federal agency which oversees Adult Education.

EFL: Educational functioning level; the descriptor of student performance determined by standardized testing used by the National Reporting System. There are four levels (1-4) for adult basic education (ABE) learners, two levels (5-6) for adult secondary education (ASE) learners, and six levels (1-6) for English language (ELL) learners.

ELA: English language acquisition

ELL:  English language learner

ePAGE: Electronic Plans, Applications, Grants, and Expenditures system

ESL: English as a second language

Exit: The participant has not received services for the past 90 days and has no additional services scheduled. The date of exit is the last date on which the participant receives services.

FERPA: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, legislation which protects the rights of learners to have their educational records remain private and ensures that educational records are not shared with other agencies or individuals without the learner's written permission.

FFR: Final Financial Report

FTE: Full-time Equivalent

FY: Fiscal Year

GED®: General Educational Development test battery published by Pearson; if passed, an examinee receives the Nevada High School Equivalency Certificate.

HiSet:  High School Equivalency Test published by the Educational Testing Service®; if passed, an examinee receives the Nevada High School Equivalency Certificate.

IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, federal legislation on education services for individuals with disabilities.

IELCE: Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education, federal funding for instruction in literacy and English language acquisition and instruction on the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and civic participation, and Section 243 IELCE program must be provided in combination with integrated education and training (IET).

IEP: Individual Education Plan, a required plan of action and educational support for pupils with disabilities in public schools.

IET: Integrated Education and Training; services that include adult education and literacy, workforce preparation skills, and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster.

IRC: Industry recognized credential

ITIN: Individual Taxpayer Identification Number

LD: Learning Disability

MOE: Maintenance of Effort

MSG: Measurable Skill Gains

NDE: Nevada Department of Education

NLUG: Nevada LACES User Group

NRS: National Reporting System for data collection and reporting as required under AEFLA.

OCTAE: Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, office in the United States Education Department housing the Division of Adult Education and Literacy.

OMB: Office of Management and Budget (business division of the Executive Office of the President of the United States that administers the United States federal budget and oversees the performance of federal agencies).

PD: Professional Development

PoP: Period of participation; begins each time a participant enrolls in adult education—even when multiple enrollments occur during the same program year. Subsequent enrollments during a program year result in a new period of participation.

PSE: Postsecondary education or other training at the postsecondary level.

PY: Program Year

RFF: Request for Funds

RFP: Request for Proposals

SFY: State Fiscal Year

SSN: Social Security Number

TA: Technical Assistance

TABE: Tests of Adult Basic Education

TABE CLAS-E: Tests of Adult Basic Education Complete Language Assessment System-English

TASC: Test Assessing Secondary Completion published by the Data Recognition Corporation (DRC); if passed, an examinee receives the Nevada High School Equivalency Certificate.

TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

WIOA:  Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: federal workforce development legislation, of which, Adult Education and Family Literacy is Title II.

WPTS: Warning, Probation, and Termination Status